Upcoming Socials and Events

How to sign up:

SYP and Bennington County Habitat for Humanity are teaming up for our 3rd annual SYP build day! No previous experience is necessary!

The process is simple! First: Go to this link: https://volunteerup.com/Login.asp?w=i&o=347 to sign up with Habitat.

Second: On the registration page, make sure to mark that you are with the Shires Young Professionals by checking off our group. After you register and sign the waivers there is a schedule page (landing page once your account is made or whenever you log in).

Third: Click on April on the menu bar up top and there is a calendar that lists our SYP group build on April 12.

Last: Click on our group name on that date and sign yourself up for the build! Here is a link to a great instructional video if you are having any trouble: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCo2KXcPjus

We hope to see you there for this fun way to give back to the Shires community!

This build is for those that are 18 and older. Make sure to bring a bagged lunch with you! We had a great time the past 2 years and are excited to have the opportunity to volunteer with Habitat again. Habitat for Humanity is a wonderful organization that helps others in our community. So come out and learn a new skill or two while helping to build a home for those who are in need!